Social Distancing? Connecting with Us!

Dear Gateway Neighbors,

We know that this time is scary and difficult for all of us. This community, standing together, has shown it can meet and get through challenges. Though the circumstances have changed and the way we interact may change, our core belief in the strength of our community is unchanged.

The key is to be there for one another by reaching out to our neighbors who may need help.  We encourage people to check in with neighbors…by phone, email, WhatsApp, or text. As more and more of us are self-isolating, it is important that we stay in touch with one another in ways that are safe.

There is strength in community and, as in the past, Gateway is resilient.  We invite all tenants to connect with us at the Gateway Plaza Tenants Association (GPTA) via social media: 

Facebook: Gateway Plaza Tenants Association
To post on our FB page:

  1. Like our page (not simply a post or a picture on the page.)
  2. Click on “Post”. The “Post” option appears on the same row and to the right of “Home” and “About”.

Twitter: @GPTA_BPC

In the meantime, we wish you good health during this challenging time.

CDC Checklist for Individuals and Families
NY State Department of Health
NYC Department of Health
GPTA Local Resources